Source code for pp_highlighting.pp_highlighter

"""Syntax highlighting for prompt_toolkit and HTML with pyparsing."""

import html
import warnings

from prompt_toolkit import print_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import (FormattedText, PygmentsTokens,
                                           split_lines, to_formatted_text)
from prompt_toolkit.lexers import Lexer
from pygments.token import STANDARD_TYPES, Token
import pyparsing as pp

__all__ = ['DummyStyler', 'PPHighlighter', 'Styler']

class StyledElement(pp.ParserElement):
    """Saves the original, untokenized text matched by a parse expression as a
    prompt_toolkit text fragment."""
    def __init__(self, fragments, style, expr):
        self._fragments = fragments = style
        self.expr = expr

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.expr)

    def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True):
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        end_loc, toks = self.expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions, False)
        self._fragments[loc] = (, instring[loc:end_loc])
        return end_loc, toks

[docs]class Styler: """Wraps pyparsing parse expressions to capture styled text fragments."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.fragments = {}
[docs] def __call__(self, style, expr): """Wraps the given parse expression to capture the original text it matched, and returns the modified parse expression. The `style` argument can be either a prompt_toolkit style string or a Pygments token. Args: style (Union[pygments.token.Token, str]): The style to set for this text fragment, as a string or a Pygments token. expr (Union[pyparsing.ParserElement, str]): The pyparsing parser to wrap. If a literal string is specified, it will be wrapped by :attr:`pyparsing.ParserElement._literalStringClass` (default :class:`pyparsing.Literal`). Returns: pyparsing.ParserElement: The wrapped parser. """ if isinstance(expr, str): # pylint: disable=protected-access expr = pp.ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) return StyledElement(self.fragments, style, expr)
[docs] def clear(self): """Removes all captured styled text fragments.""" self.fragments.clear()
[docs] def get(self, loc): """Returns the styled text fragment starting at a given location if it exists, else `None`. Args: loc (int): The styled text fragment's start location. Returns: Optional[Tuple[Union[pygments.token.Token, str], str]]: The styled text fragment, if it exists. """ return self.fragments.get(loc)
[docs] def locs(self): """Returns a sorted list of styled text start locations. Returns: List[int]: A sorted list of styled text start locations. """ return sorted(self.fragments)
[docs]class DummyStyler(Styler): """A drop-in replacement for :class:`Styler` which, when called, merely returns a copy of the given parse expression without capturing text or applying styles. To aid in testing whether a parser factory has been passed a :class:`DummyStyler` object, :code:`bool(DummyStyler())` is `False`. """ def __bool__(self): return False
[docs] def __call__(self, style, expr): """Returns a copy of the given parse expression. Args: style (Union[pygments.token.Token, str]): Ignored. expr (Union[pyparsing.ParserElement, str]): Copied, unless it is a string literal, in which case it will be wrapped by :attr:`pyparsing.ParserElement._literalStringClass` (default :class:`pyparsing.Literal`). Returns: pyparsing.ParserElement: A copy of the input parse expression. """ if isinstance(expr, str): # pylint: disable=protected-access return pp.ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) return expr.copy()
[docs]class PPHighlighter(Lexer): """Syntax highlighting for prompt_toolkit and HTML with pyparsing. This class can be used to highlight text via its :meth:`highlight` method (for :func:`prompt_toolkit.print_formatted_text`—see `the prompt_toolkit documentation <>`_ for details), its :meth:`highlight_html` method, its :meth:`print` method, and by passing it as the `lexer` argument to a :class:`prompt_toolkit.PromptSession`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parser_factory, *, uses_pygments_tokens=False): """Constructs a new :class:`PPHighlighter`. You should supply a parser factory, a function that takes one argument and returns a parse expression. :class:`PPHighlighter` will pass a :class:`Styler` object as the argument (see :class:`Styler` for more details). Examples: >>> def parser_factory(styler): >>> a = styler('class:int', ppc.integer) >>> return pp.delimitedList(a) >>> pph = PPHighlighter(parser_factory) >>> pph.highlight('1, 2, 3') FormattedText([('class:int', '1'), ('', ', '), ('class:int', '2'), ('', ', '), ('class:int', '3')]) :class:`FormattedText` instances can be passed to :func:`prompt_toolkit.print_formatted_text`. Args: parser_factory (Callable[[Styler], pyparsing.ParserElement]): The parser factory. uses_pygments_tokens (bool): Whether or not the parser is styled using Pygments tokens. """ self.styler = Styler() self.uses_pygments_tokens = uses_pygments_tokens self.expr = parser_factory(self.styler) self.expr.parseWithTabs()
def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.expr!r})'.format(self) def _scan_string(self, s): """Runs the parser over the input string, capturing styled text. Adapted from :meth:`pyparsing.ParserElement.scanString` for custom exception handling. """ if not self.expr.streamlined: self.expr.streamline() for e in self.expr.ignoreExprs: e.streamline() loc = 0 preloc = None pp.ParserElement.resetCache() while loc <= len(s): try: preloc = self.expr.preParse(s, loc) # pylint: disable=protected-access nextloc, _ = self.expr._parse(s, preloc, callPreParse=False) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except if preloc is None: raise loc = preloc + 1 if not isinstance(err, pp.ParseBaseException): msg = 'Exception during parsing: {0.__class__.__name__}: {0}' warnings.warn(msg.format(err), RuntimeWarning) else: loc = nextloc if nextloc > loc else preloc + 1 def _highlight(self, s): """Gathers captured styled text and intervening unstyled text into a :class:`prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.FormattedText` instance.""" if not isinstance(s, str): msg = 'Cannot highlight type {}, only str.' raise TypeError(msg.format(type(s).__name__)) default_style = Token.Text if self.uses_pygments_tokens else '' self.styler.clear() self._scan_string(s) locs = self.styler.locs() locs.append(len(s)) i = 0 loc = 0 fragments = FormattedText() while loc < len(s): fragment = self.styler.get(loc) if fragment: fragments.append(fragment) loc += len(fragment[1]) while locs[i] < loc: i += 1 else: fragments.append((default_style, s[loc:locs[i]])) loc = locs[i] return fragments
[docs] def highlight(self, s): """Highlights a string, returning a list of fragments suitable for :func:`prompt_toolkit.print_formatted_text`. Args: s (str): The input string. Returns: prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.FormattedText: The resulting list of prompt_toolkit text fragments. """ fragments = self._highlight(s) if self.uses_pygments_tokens: return to_formatted_text(PygmentsTokens(fragments)) return fragments
[docs] def lex_document(self, document): lines = list(split_lines(self.highlight(document.text))) return lambda i: lines[i]
@classmethod def _pygments_css_class(cls, token): """Returns the standard CSS class name for a Pygments token.""" try: return STANDARD_TYPES[token] except KeyError: return cls._pygments_css_class(token.parent)
[docs] def highlight_html(self, s, *, css_class='highlight'): """Highlights a string, returning HTML. Only CSS class names are currently supported. Parts of the style string that do not begin with ``class:`` will be ignored. If there are dots in the class name, they will be turned into hyphens. Args: s (str): The input string. css_class (str): The CSS class for the wrapping tag. Returns: str: The generated HTML. """ fragments = self._highlight(s) tags = ['<pre class="{}">'.format(css_class)] template = '<span class="{}">{}</span>' table = str.maketrans({'.': '-'}) for style, text in fragments: classes = [] if self.uses_pygments_tokens: classes.append(self._pygments_css_class(style)) else: for st in style.split(): if st.startswith('class:'): classes.append(html.escape(st[6:].translate(table))) if classes and classes[0]: tags.append(template.format(' '.join(classes), html.escape(text))) else: tags.append(html.escape(text)) tags.append('</pre>') return ''.join(tags)
[docs] def print(self, *values, **kwargs): """Highlights and prints the values to a stream, or to `sys.stdout` by default. It calls :func:`prompt_toolkit.print_formatted_text` internally and takes the same keyword arguments as it (compatible with the builtin :func:`print`). Default values of keyword-only arguments:: print(*values, sep=' ', end='\\n', file=None, flush=False, style=None, output=None, color_depth=None, style_transformation=None, include_default_pygments_style=None) """ print_formatted_text(*map(lambda s: self.highlight(str(s)), values), **kwargs)